
Our commitment for the environment and society


Sus­tain­ability is an important concern that affects not only the environ­ment, but also companies and so­ci­eties worldwide. As a com­pany, we are aware of our re­spon­sibility. Our goal is to promote sustainability along our entire food value chain.

Our ESG (environmental-social-governance) strategy is at the heart of our aspirations and commits us to employees, partners and society. We believe in social responsibility, environmental awareness and good governance as foundations for long-term success.

We are proud of the concrete results of our ESG strategy and will report on them at regular intervals: from energy savings to promoting diversity and in­clu­sion in our team, our initiatives demonstrate our commitment to a better future and emphasise our responsibility to the society in which we live together.


„These days, it is more important than ever that we contribute to the protection of our planet and the life on it. Responsibility is deeply rooted in our group of companies. We are committed to acting in accordance with our ESG Principles to achieve a positive impact on the environment and the communities in which we live. Our ESG Principles serve as a guideline and are an expression of how we see ourselves acting in a socially and environmentally responsible manner“

Patrick Müller-Sarmiento, CEO


Four pillars for a better world


Our ESG strategy focuses on the following four core areas:


People are the very backbone of Zertus. Happy, engaged and satisfied employees are at the heart of a stable and sustainable business. Achieving this is our most im­por­tant goal for the future.

Responsible Sourcing

As a food company, we have com­plex supply chains. Re­spon­sible sourcing is very im­por­tant to us and in our ESG strat­egy it is given the at­ten­tion it needs to make an impact.


We focus on the con­sumer community that buys our products, as well as on giving back to the com­mu­nities where our sites reside or supporting social projects that are important to our employees.


One of the core values of the Zertus Group is re­spon­si­bil­ity: we firmly believe that we should leave the planet in a better state than we found it. That is why we are work­ing together towards a sus­tain­able future.

Here you can find out how we in­cor­porate ESG principles into our product development processes and other workflows.