Strategy & focus
Zertus has been a food entrepreneur since 1826. Zertus, one of the oldest family companies in Germany, is headquartered in Hamburg, where it operates as a holding company for four market units with twelve subsidiaries in Germany and abroad, which produce and market high-quality foods and beverages. The Group’s product focus lies in the areas of Gourmet, Functional Nutrition, Custom Sweets and Snacking & Chocolate. In doing so, Zertus is targeting a leading position in growing strategic niche markets: International premium delicacies, sports and brain food, healthy & enjoyable fruit & nut snacks, plant-based & vegan food, vegan & premium chocolate.
With its own product development and production, professional quality management, a state-of-the-art distribution center and administration in Hamburg, the Group today employs a workforce of around 2,300 people.
Market proximity & flexibility
As a management holding company, we combine the market proximity and flexibility of a mid-sized company with strong financial clout and a global market presence.
Zertus GmbH supports its subsidiaries in achieving their operational goals: It takes on some of their administrative and organisational activities, incorporates them into larger marketing and sales structures, advances the joint strategic focus and provides the necessary financial resources.
Support & development
Zertus GmbH’s task is to further develop companies and brands and to expand their market position in the long term.
The nucleus of our corporate strategy is to support and develop the acquisition of companies and brands in line with the buy and build principle. These are typically SMEs that we strengthen by integrating them into our marketing and distributions structures, and high-potential brands from major corporations, which we continue to grow.

Continuity & growth
We strive to expand existing business areas where advisable and to tap new business areas.
To do so, we seek out business people who wish to safeguard the continuity of their life’s work in the long term, or who wish to grant their company a fresh outlook with a strong alliance. We also aim to acquire corporations that have brands with speciality appeal.